
A nice way to allow for online-offline development, but also use cdn’s for package dependencies.


Using CDN’s is a best practice – it distributes load across servers. Using it in development, though, requires you have internet access while you’re developing. Modern web browsers cache CDN’s, but at this time, browsers need to be online for this to work. That leaves one option: download all dependencies and serve files locally AND THEN remember to change everything back before you deply.


Enter offlinecdn, a custom template tag in django to cache sourced javascript and css locally.

To keep code DRY, and avoid manually downloading dependencies and serving them locally, offlinecdn is a custom template tag that, when DEBUG=True, caches all javascript and css dependencies and templates the link to serve them locally. Once the page has been loaded once, you will no longer download files from cdn and can develop your site offline.


With offlinecdn, sourcing javascript and css from cdn’s is easy! You do exactly what you would normally do – just wrap any link s or source s in the offlinecdn tag.

{% offlinecdn %}
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 <script src=""></script>
{% endofflinecdn %}

With DEBUG=True, or with OFFLINECDN_MODE=True, any sourced files get cached locally and the links set to:

<link href="/static/">
<script src="/static/"></script>

quick start

Getting started with offlinecdn is as simple as:

  • pip install django-offlinecdn,
  • include offlinecdn as an INSTALLED_APP in
  • incorporating the offlinecdn tag into your templates like this:
{% offlinecdn %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
 <script src=""></script>
{% endofflinecdn %}
